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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Now u can scrap in hindi

Hey guys and girls u can now scrap in hindi........ its interesting...

Click here:

On this page

1.Type whatever u want

2.copy the hindi words

3. paste whereever u want

Monday, November 24, 2008

Increase Fans ( Working Code ) Really Amazing

Follow the steps:
1) Create a fake account or simply login with ur friends Id.. and add yourself as a friend there.
2) Visit the FRIENDS page by logging into your just created fake account or the Friends account.
3) Point your cursor on the fan icon () beside your real profile. Note your status bar. It should be showing something like javascript:setKarma('FRUS*******/US*******').
Note the code FRUS******* and US******* somewhere. Now, click on the star so as to make your fake account a fan of your real account.
4) Copy the following code to your address bar (The location where you type ). Replace FRUS******* and US******* in the following script with the one you noted in the above step.

javascript:function cmd(){window.location="/setkarma?cat=0&val=3&gid=FRUS*******/US*******";}void(setInterval(cmd,2000));

5) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard. The page will keep on reloading and your fans will keep on increasing with an approximate speed of 6 fans per second untl you close the window

Enlarge ur photo


just copy paste them in ur adress bar and press enterafter preview click referesh


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